Which charcoal is best for barbecue?
It is definitely a good choice to enjoy a barbecue outdoors with your family on weekends. Nowadays, young people are very fond of enjoying a good time outdoors in a park with good air quality and surrounded by trees, which can enhance the relationship between family members while relaxing.
Barbecue charcoal is essential to make delicious food when grilling. At present, common barbecue fuel can be divided into four categories: natural wood, charred natural wood, charred biomass coal, and compressed barbecue charcoal balls. So as a barbecue enthusiast,which charcoal is best for barbecue?
Natural Logs
Natural logs are the most primitive fuel for grilling. Various fruit trees can be directly sawn into sections, such as apple wood, pear wood, date wood, lemon wood, etc. Then split them into the right size, dry them and then they will be ready to be used for grilling food.
These firewood is very original and makes a unique style of food, but the disadvantages are also very obvious. It needs to cut down a large number of trees, damaging the environment. In addition, burning with an open flame, the smoke is very high, and even sparks can be caused. So natural logs are not suitable for everyday family barbecue use.
Carbonized Logs
Log charcoal is a barbecue fuel made by charring logs in a charcoal grill. Various hardwoods, fruit woods and miscellaneous woods are put into the carbonization machine, and after high-temperature charring, the excess moisture in the wood will completely disappear. This fuel is easy to ignite. However, because it is less dense, it has a shorter burning time.

Carbonized Sawdust Briquette
Biomass charcoal sticks are made from wood chips, which are pressed into regular shaped and dense sticks, and then charred into charcoal using a charring furnace. Charcoal made by this method is much denser than natural logs, more resistant to burning, and less likely to produce smoke, no odor and taste, and is a good choice for barbecue charcoal.

Compressed Barbecue Charcoal Balls
Compressed charcoal balls are the most widely used barbecue charcoal, they are made from coconut shell charcoal, bamboo charcoal or log charcoal, which are crushed into charcoal powder and then pressed by machine with water and binder.

The density of the compressed charcoal briquette is relatively high, so it is not easy to catch fire. It is recommended to use ignition wax for ignition. However, it is very resistant to burning after ignition, no open flame, high heat generation, no fried sparks, long burning time, and many shapes, very convenient for commercial and domestic use.